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    The World Gold Council holds a number of programs and conferences designed to deliver incisive, timely content to investors and other key audiences.


    Central Bank Gold Agreement renewal demonstrates continued commitment to transparency and gold producing nations

    The World Gold Council welcomes the decision by European central banks to agree on a new Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA). The Agreement, the fourth of its kind, marks a continued commitment from some of the world’s largest gold reserve holders to preserve the clarity and transparency that this agreement provides for gold market participants. It also firmly reasserts the importance of gold as an asset in global monetary reserves.

    中国の金需要、今後 4 年間力強い伸びを持続 ワールド ゴールド カウンシルが予測

    ワールド ゴールド カウンシ ルが本日発表した レポート『 中国の金市場: その歩みと 展望( China's gold market: progress and prospects)』は、中国の民間セクター金需要が現在の年間約 1,132 トンから 2017 年 には少なくとも 1,350 トンに達するだろうと予測しています*。中国の金需要は 2013 年に記録的なレベルに 達し、中国は世界最大の金市場となりました。2014 年は小休止となるものの、その後はさらに継続的な成長 が続きそうだと同レポートは述べています。

    New report predicts sustained strong gold demand in China in next four years

    A major report published today by the World Gold Council “China's gold market: progress and prospects” suggests that private sector demand for gold in China is set to increase 20% from the current level of 1,132 tonnes(t) per year to at least 1,350t by 2017. Following the record level of Chinese demand in 2013, which saw the country become the world’s largest gold market, the report suggests that while 2014 is likely to see consolidation, the succeeding years are likely to see sustained growth.


    世界黄金协会今天推出了一份大型报告《中国黄金市场:进步与前景》。报告指出,中国的个人领域每年对黄金的需求将从目前的1,100公吨提升至2017年的1,350公吨或更多,增幅达25%。 报告也提到,在2013年中国的黄金需求创下历史新高并成为全球最大的黄金市场之后,中国在2014年的需求将有可能出现盘整,而在之后的几年将有望出现持续增长。

    Investors can benefit from using gold as an emerging markets hedge